The 4 Elements

Holistic Health - Is the new wealth

Health cannot be viewed purely from one perspective.

A person’s health needs to be look at from all angles; the fluids they drink, the food they eat, their mindset and exercise, and their fulfilment in life!

When all 4 elements are in equilibrium in a person’s being, one’s life, then that person will feel immense freedom, gratitude, joy, positivity, energy, contentment and servitude. Their closest friends and family, their work colleagues … everyone will be saying “I want some of what they’re having please!” because they will want to be just like you! 

You will be finally showing up in the world as the person you are meant to be, living the life you dream of living … you will be the wealthiest person they know!

Water - Hydration

The human body is 70% water, so it’s not hard to say that “the basis of vitality and long life is water.” If you want to feel good, have incredible energy and be at your optimal health level, you should drink water on a daily basis .. but not all water is created equally.

Molecular hydrogenated water, contains so much goodness because it is 'living water'. A water filtration device changes ordinary tap water into 'magic' water that is full of antioxidants, it has anti-inflammatory properties , it protects your cells and helps to activate your Nrf2 pathway.

This 'magic' water helps to restore the body to its original, alkaline state, it is superior to tap, bottled and distilled water.

Air - Mindset & Movement

Your mind has such a powerful effect on many areas of your life but it can really hinder any changes you want to make to your nutritional intake. The reason for this is because of your relationship with food.

There are several different kind of eaters; emotional, habitual, fuelling, unconscious, and they are all related to the association you make to food. For example, do you reach for chocolate or cake when you're feeling sad, unhappy or depressed? This would make you an emotional eater.

But when you reset your mindset, so that you fuel your body with the foods it really wants and needs, the transformation is incredible. Once you have a steadfast, super positive mindset you really can achieve anything and everything you desire!

Movement plays an important part in health, especially in our perceived 'time poor' lifestyles. So many people now spend hours and hours sitting at a desk that their bodies start to become affected. A sedentary lifestyle is just as detrimental as overindulging in those naughty pleasures, like drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or reaching for the sweet, sugary foods.

Starting your day with 15 minutes of gentle movements can have such a powerful and positive influence on your overall health. Performing these gentle exercises every day will help you to maintain your suppleness and flexibility, increase your energy levels and your metabolism ... and they are done before you even step a foot out of bed!

The combination of mindset and movement will genuinely make you feel like you are floating on air all day!

Earth - Nutrition

As is often said, our foods should be our medicines; this would include correct food selection and, of course, the elimination of harmful foods and substances, especially those highly refined foods that have little or no nutritional value.

When you eat a diet of 80% foods and 20% acidic foods, your body will start to function at its optimum level. These most amazing gifts we call our physical bodies have exact and specific nutritional requirements and it is our duty to ourselves to find these exact requirements for our individual bodies.

Life is energy. It moves graciously through our body by means set up specifically for that very purpose. Its required fuels are also quite specific and when we introduce foreign substances, this is enough to throw out these delicate balances.

There are so many diets, food resumes and articles about health these days. How do we know if any of them really work? Each body is different and there is no perfect food plan to suit everyone. Any diet we choose should first and foremost be anti-inflammatory which includes a large percentage of raw food and a good source of Omega 3 to ensure your Omega 6-3 is balanced. A great way to start on the anti-inflammatory road is the Turn Over a New Leaf six-week reset program to completely clean out your body using natural food.

Fire - Passion & Business

Are you living your passion, do the thing that makes your soul sing? Or are you living a life that others think you should be living? When you are doing a job that doesn't fulfil you several things happen to you as a person; you lack confidence, you have higher stress levels, you don't have a good work/life balance, you never going home feeling satisfied, you wish you could do something you loved!

It's scary when it comes to stepping outside of your comfort zone because your mind will keep taking you back where it is safe.

Just imagine the life you would love to live if money was no object, what would that life look life? What legacy would you like to leave your children? Would you like to help other people optimise their health just like you have?

Living your passion will enhance your health in so many ways; you'll unleash your creativity, reconnect with your inner being, live a life of no regrets, feel immense gratitude for all you have in life, step outside your comfort zone, be kinder to yourself and others, change your 'stories', and conquer your fears.

Just imagine living a life of freedom... your life of freedom!

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